writer in residence - traducción al Inglés
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writer in residence - traducción al Inglés

Resident artist; Artist residency; Artist residency program; Artists-in-residence; Artists in residence; Artist in Residence; In residence; Artist in residency; Composer in residence; Writer in residence; Artist in residence; Writer-in-Residence; Composer-in-Residence; Writer-in-residence; Writers in Residence; Writer in Residence; Artist residencies; Artist's residency; Composer-in-residence; Artistic residence; Artist residence; Artist's residence; Artists Residency; Artist-in-residence program; Comic artist in residence; Ensemble in residence; Ensemble-in-residence; Musician-in-residence; Musician in residence; Comic Artist in Residence

writer in residence         
(n.) = escritor residente
Ex: Writers in residence are expected to teach, lecture to the public and settle fiery online debates about the best way to translate their oeuvre.
artist in residence         
(n.) = artista residente
Ex: The works on the walls were created by the artists in residence whom she invites to work at the seminary for a year.
Residing; Residences; Reside; Residence (disambiguation)
(n.) = residencia
Ex: This applies not only to trade but free movement of goods, rights of residence and work and many other aspects of life.
* artist in residence = artista residente
* country residence = casa de campo
* doctor in residence = médico residente
* family residence = residencia para familias
* hall of residence = residencia de estudiantes
* legal residence = residencia legal
* place of residence = lugar de residencia, domicilio
* residence hall = colegio mayor, residencia de estudiantes
* student residence = colegio mayor, residencia de estudiantes
* summer residence = residencia de verano
* tax residence = residencia fiscal
* writer in residence = escritor residente
* writers in residence programme = programa de escritores en estancia


in itinere
in itinere (pronunc. [in itínere]) Expresión latina que significa "en el camino". Se usa con referencia a los accidentes laborales que se producen mientras se va o se vuelve del trabajo.



Artist-in-residence, or artist residencies, encompass a wide spectrum of artistic programs which involve a collaboration between artists and hosting organisations, institutions, or communities. They are programs which provide artists with space and resources to support their artistic practice. Contemporary artist residencies are becoming increasingly thematic, with artists working together with their host in pursuit of a specific outcome related to a particular theme.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para writer in residence
1. The first writer in residence was not
From Organisation to Institution _ Jack Harte _ Talks at Google
2. And so I was invited as a writer-in-residence
Off-Broadway's The Lion _ Talks at Google
3. to be a writer in residence in the school,
From Organisation to Institution _ Jack Harte _ Talks at Google
4. writer-in-residence kind of position, at Smith College.
The Glass Universe _ Dava Sobel _ Talks at Google
5. And I will be your writer in residence,
Furiously Happy - A Funny Book About Horrible Things _ Jenny Lawson _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de writer in residence
1. For many years, she was the writer in residence and librarian at the Episcopal Cathedral Church of St.
2. Whitney Terrell is the New Letters writer in residence at the University of Missouri at Kansas City.
3. I was literary manager of the theatre company Paines Plough at the time and approached Kane: would she be writer in residence?
4. Steven Johnson is distinguished writer in residence at NYU‘s department of journalism, and the author of Everything Bad is Good for You, published by Allen Lane.
5. I had sent a copy, as a matter of courtesy, to the great man, who happened at the time to be writer in residence at St Catherine‘s College, Oxford.